Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What Makes You Special?

Because company videos, commercials, and online advertising are easy ways to get people to listen to and understand your message, it’s important that you are clear on exactly what your message is and what makes your company or service special.

So your homework is to answer this question:

What makes your company or service unique, valuable, or special?

Try to answer this question in 2 or 3 sentences ... it may take some work and thoughtful consideration. It's important to be concise and clear in this statement!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Video Advertising Stats ... Interesting

I just read these stats re: online video advertising. Another good reason you might want to have the tools to create your own video!

Social Video Stats from 2009 to 2011:
—In 2011, more than 40 campaigns generated 10 million views, up from 33 in 2010 and 16 in 2009.
More than 500 campaigns topped 1 million views in 2011, up from 360+ in 2010. In 2009, only 154 campaigns saw 1 million views.
—The average social video campaign generated 765,000 views in 2011, up from 460,000 in 2009.
In 2011, the average brand generated more than 1.2 million views. In 2009, that figure was 720,000 views.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Company Commercial or Video … Essentially it’s Online Advertising!

So who needs it and you may think, “Where would I put it?”
If you use or have any of the following venues, locations, or social media outlets, then online advertising could be useful for you.
  • Email
  • Website
  • Sales Calls
  • Laptop Demos
  • Social Media
  • Video Sites / YouTube
  • Google Pages
  • Training / Education
  • Trade Shows
  • Press Releases
  • Kiosks / Monitors
During the next few posts, I will help you assemble the components for your own 30-60 second company video for your own online advertising.
Overall, the six steps are as follows:
  1. Assemble the “content” …
  2. Collect the images/pictures you already have or assemble a list of those images needed.
  3. Write your script.
  4. Create a voice over file or hire someone to create your voice over file.
  5. Marry / seam together your voice over file to your images.
  6. You’re ready to create your video or hire someone to create your video.
I will give you some easy homework questions or tasks. When all homework is complete, you will be ready to create your video!
So today’s homework is to answer 2 questions:
  1. Who is your intended audience? 
  2. What do you do? How does it work?
To be continued ...

Celebrating Personal Treasures ... when being original matters!